Letter: Why sign up to speak when no one listens?

Fri, Aug 31, 2007 (8:09 a.m.)

Regarding Mike Trask's Aug. 29 story, "Testing, testing ... Anyone out there?":

He and all the people who gave input as to the reason no one shows up at city council meetings really missed the boat. In this reader 's (and voter's) humble opinion, it is that most of us realize that the city councils really don't care what we think or say.

Someone can walk in there with the most thoughtful, organized and well-reasoned argument ever given on a subject, and there will be a "thank you" and, then, "next." However, let 200 or 300 unreasonable and shouting people show up arguing over some inane issue, and it suddenly has everyone's attention.

Politicians aren't interested in doing the right thing for the community, but rather doing that which will get them re elected. Otherwise, those in Congress would be working for the will of the people, not for their party and its goals. And city council members act the same way : " How will the voters perceive my next vote ?" not , "How will this help my community? "

And Andy Hafen is dreaming when he thinks, as a whole, citizens are happy with government and the way it's being run. It's that we know that very little we do as individuals will make a difference; it's only when we act as a group that politicians start paying attention. And they better hope and pray that voters stay apathetic, because otherwise they will be without a job come Election Day.

Roy M. York, Henderson


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