Letter: Celibacy for priests should be ended

Thu, Feb 8, 2007 (7:10 a.m.)

It's time for the Catholic Church in this country and abroad to force itself to come to the realization this religion is at a crossroad. It can continue on and destroy itself, or it can make some common-sense changes. The main change being the issue of celibacy.

Many religions have had the intelligence to not embrace this idiotic policy. It never made sense centuries ago and it still makes little sense today. If leaders of the church stopped and thought about how they were born, they might get their heads straight on this issue. You were not born by immaculate conception.

To force young healthy men to pledge allegiance against a natural human condition, and force them to not have normal feelings, borders on complete stupidity. Too many people have died for this religion over the centuries to have a few old men destroy what these brave people gave their lives for. Does a cross refresh your memories, gentlemen?

My head is hanging lower and lower with each scandal. Please, dear Lord, make it possible for me to hold my head up high and once again feel the pride of being a Catholic, please.

John Tominsky, Las Vegas


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