Letter: Knowing identity is best compensation

Thu, Feb 15, 2007 (7:17 a.m.)

I read with interest an article recently about Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah Winfrey taking DNA tests to track their own African ancestry and I was impressed.

The U.S. government financially compensated the Japanese Americans who were unjustly interned in concentration camps during World War II, and yet for the African-American people, who were brought to America against their will and robbed of their heritage, there is no compensation? I believe the best compensation one could have is the compensation of their heritage and personal identity.

Why not allow every single African-American citizen to obtain free DNA testing? This, I believe, would be a great gift and even though I am a first generation European-American, I would be very happy knowing that my taxpayer dollars are going for a good cause.

Lidia Lipari, Las Vegas


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