Letter: Man can’t change ‘order of the universe’

Fri, Feb 23, 2007 (7:04 a.m.)

Kudos, cheers and my compliments to three excellent letters in the Feb. 21 Las Vegas Sun, including one by Elbert W. Lemmon on how the anti-surge resolution is sending the wrong message regarding the Iraq war, and another by F. Jay Harrell on the "global temperature" issue. Too bad Al Gore didn't understand this way back when he began putting his efforts and time on this subject.

Changes have occurred since time began and will continue since that's the "order of the universe." He, and others, would do well by channeling their efforts to the last sentence in Mr. Harrell's letter that we should "clean up the air and water that we have mucked-up and focus our hysteria on some other bogeyman"... Amen!

As for the letter by Chuck Vanage regarding the NBA All-Star Game coming here and what it did to our city, he asked: "Why would anyone support such an event that degraded our city?" All I can say is I'm with Mr. Vanage and others like him. It certainly doesn't speak well for the ones responsible, but then isn't money always the deciding factor in lousy decisions for Las Vegas?

Mary Jo Oldham, Las Vegas


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