Letter: Life at conception is hardly arbitrary

Sat, Jul 7, 2007 (7:08 a.m.)

Carl Kaun's June 30 letter, "Critics of stem cell research miss the mark," informs us that if God is the source of all life, he must be the cause of all death. If you believe that God is indeed the source of all life, as a majority of the world's people do, the death that surely follows is not his cause but the result of his giving life.

The tortured logic of Mr. Kaun would have mothers responsible for all the acts of their offspring (good or bad) simply because she gave birth. Perhaps he also believes that since crime is committed in America , the cause of crime is democracy , with all of its liberty and freedom. What was really telling in his letter was that he held God responsible for miscarriages; God is a killer.

Mr. Kaun calls life at conception a recent and arbitrary concept. It is neither new, novel, arbitrary nor a trendy rationalization.

Alden E. Smith, Henderson


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