Letter: ‘Chicken hawks’ are not helping our troops

Sun, Jul 15, 2007 (2:30 a.m.)

One talking point all congressmen use when discussing Iraq is praise for the job our troops are doing under such adverse conditions. Recently a bipartisan bill was presented to the Senate by Chuck Hagel, a Republican, and Jim Webb, a Democrat, who are both Vietnam veterans.

The bill required active-duty combat troops returning from Iraq to have the same time at home as their previous tour in Iraq. It was that simple.

Experts have voiced concern over the long-term effect the quick turnarounds could have on our troops with two, three or four tours.

The bill did not pass, receiving 56 of the 60 votes required to move it forward. This bill should have had 100 percent support of the senators if they really cared about the troops.

All of Congress has too many "chicken hawks," who have no problem sending others into war, but when they were up for the draft found ways out of service.

This bill and vote received minor media coverage. Why? Americans should be outraged. The media should print on their front pages the names of the senators who voted against it, their reason and their own military service.

Roger Glazbrook, Las Vegas


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