FLASHPOINT for Jun 04, 2007

Mon, Jun 4, 2007 (7:07 a.m.)

Only in politics can two people who have brutalized each other stand together as if they are best friends. But such was the case as Gov. Jim Gibbons, who obliquely had been lambasting Assembly Speaker Barbara Buckley for trying to raise taxes, and Buckley, who had been shredding the governor in various ways, metaphorically held hands Friday to celebrate the signing of a payday loan regulation bill. The measure, Buckley's pet project, had been assaulted by lobbyists and was even the subject of a rumored gubernatorial veto. But even Gibbons would not be that crazy - killing Buckley's main bill - and they were all sweetness and light Friday. My guess is that this is not, however, the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


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