Letter: Bush has no real answers for economy

Thu, Jun 21, 2007 (7:18 a.m.)

In reference to a June 13 letter from Charles Craig, it seems that anyone who disagrees with the Bush crowd is considered part of the "liberal left." If that is the case, you can count me in as a liberal leftist.

I can't think of anything that's gone right about the war in Iraq, from its justification to its execution, and I seriously question the competence of our attorney general.

Concerning the tax cuts, in one paragraph he agrees that the country is debt-ridden. In the next he states that tax cuts are merely refunds of overpayments. In the real world you reduce debt by taking in more, spending less or some combination of the two. It is irresponsible to cut taxes without matching spending cuts. The money has to come from somewhere. I don't think borrowing it from China is a good option.

No, you cannot make a fair argument that the increase in revenue was because of the tax cuts. The primary reason for the increase in revenue is the deficit itself. The Bush administration has added about $2 trillion to the debt. When the government spends money, somebody gets it. As that money flows through the economy, people pay taxes on it.

You then add the private debt, which is approaching $13 trillion. You max out your credit card to buy stuff, somebody makes money and pays taxes on it. Sooner or later we'll all pay a steep price for all this borrowing.

Steve Osborne, Boulder City


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