Letter: Courage needed to curb illegal immigration

Sun, Jun 24, 2007 (7:09 a.m.)

The most significant domestic problem we have in our country is the illegal immigration that has spun out of control and threatens our future. The root cause is all about money - the exploitation of cheap labor by employers praying on the altar of growth and focused on today's profit, and the hell with tomorrow!

Our inadequate border control, coupled with shameful political patronizing and pandering for the Mexican vote with veiled promises of disguised and disgusting amnesty, continues to exacerbate the problem.

Mexico is a rich country with abundant natural resources, but is stifled by an arrogant and corrupt oligarchy that refuses to invest in its own country's development , which would provide opportunities for its own people.

Our weak political will encourages Mexico's young people to emigrate, work long, hard hours for measly wages, and send billions of hard-earned dollars home. It is long past time to seal our borders and force this vast supply of cheap labor in to the development of their own country. It is long past time that the wealthy oligarchy stops exploiting its own citizens.

In summation, Congress must muster up the courage to:

We are depending on Congress to stop postponing and avoiding its sworn duties to protect and keep our nation safe. Leadership is not and never has been a popularity contest. Members of Congress must do their duty or resign in a favor of someone who will.

William G. Flangas, Las Vegas


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