Letter: Clergy by no means oversteps its bounds

Mon, Jun 25, 2007 (7:18 a.m.)

In his June 10 commentary in the Las Vegas Sun headlined "Crossing the line, again," Dan K. Thomasson, syndicated columnist and former editor of Scripps Howard, assails religious leaders, particularly Catholics, for their influence on the political landscape.

I would simply like to state that so far as expressing their political opinions in public, without speaking from a "bully pulpit," I see nothing wrong in the clergy, men and women of God, doing so. What limited effect their opinions can have in shaping American politics cannot, in any way, be construed to be a violation of the separation of church and state.

Their opinions will carry more weight with me than all of those by the pseudo-intellectuals of Hollywood who fashion themselves as authorities on any political subject. Just who made them "authorities" anyway?

Glen J. Gillette, Las Vegas


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