Letter: Gore/Obama would be a dream ticket

Sat, Mar 3, 2007 (7:08 a.m.)

After watching the Oscars ceremony Sunday night, a somewhat encouraging scene regarding Al Gore flashed before my eyes. One of such magnitude, I felt it must be shared by all. The Democratic presidential ticket for 2008: Gore-Obama.

Al Gore running for president, in his now gained grandeur and glory, would be an inspiration to the people. And would it not, and justifiably so, be payback to the Clintons for their little, if any support, for him in the 2000 primary?

Barack Obama running for vice president, with all his charisma and magnetism, would bring stimulation to the people while at the same time acquiring the much needed experience to prepare him for future primaries (president in 2012/2016 maybe?).

This may be the answer to all those who feel Hillary is unelectable and Barack is currently inexperienced.

Maybe, just maybe, we could then have a team who would be accountable and responsible for their actions. Maybe they are what we need to invigorate this country. If not, well there are an unlimited amount of possibilities: Edwards/Obama; Biden/Obama; Obama/Biden; Dodd/Obama; Dodd/Richardson; Richardson/Obama and on and on and on. The list is endless. Mix and match - take your pick.

LaRue S. Boenig, Henderson


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