Letter: So you wish Gore had won in 2000?

Tue, Mar 20, 2007 (7:12 a.m.)

I enjoyed James J. Poupard's whimsical trip through fantasyland. However, his March 16 letter, "Imagine what could have been with Gore," left out some great accomplishments, and one "inconvenient" problem, during President Gore's reign.

Al Gore may finally receive his phony (sorry, I meant honorary) Doctorate of Climatology from the University of Minnesota.

In Mr. Poupard's fanciful wonderland, President Gore, Ph.D., saved hundreds of billions by not fighting the global war against terrorism. Unfortunately, due to a trifling overestimation by the great doctor of climatology, which was heralded in his Oscar-winning science fiction film, a great wave of hysteria swept the land. To quell the panic, President Gore, Ph.D., was forced to spend trillions building 25-foot-high dikes to protect America's coastal cities. Less knowledgeable scientists around the globe thought the sea would rise only 16.7 inches but Global Warming's High Priest stuck with his prediction of a 20-foot rise. Some wacko right-wingers thought the dikes were a waste of money, but remember, the dikes also served as our only defense against terrorism.

The good news: Socialized health care, higher taxes and phony doctorates made every man, woman and child in America healthy, wealthy and wise. President Gore, Ph.D., could serve only two terms; but let not your heart be troubled: ex-President Gore, Ph.D., moved on up to become secretary general of the United Nations and saved the world from America! I guess America will have to settle for second stringers like Hillary and Bill (the Clinton team) or John Edwards.

F. Jay Harrell, Las Vegas


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