Letter: Smokers’ faults include more than littering

Sun, Nov 18, 2007 (1:15 a.m.)

Regarding Brad Evans' Nov. 15 letter, "Smokers aren't the only litterbugs":

Too many smokers never use the ashtrays in their cars and toss their lighted cigarette butts out the window nearly all the time.

Also, most smokers standing outside a building or place of work throw their butts on the ground regardless of whether there is an ashtray or trash can in which to dispose of their litter. (Apparently, it's someone else's job to clean up after them.)

Most smokers know that their habit is harmful to themselves and to others, but their addiction to tobacco and refusal to quit causes them to create "see through" excuses as to why it's OK to pollute the environment and the lungs of nonsmokers because of "personal freedom."

A large number of smokers couldn't care less about nonsmokers, because their never-ending need to feed their addiction is far more important to them than their own health or the health of the nonsmokers around them.

In my opinion, most smokers could quit, as I did after 10 years, if they made a conscious decision to get healthy and stop polluting their own lives as well as the lives of their nonsmoking friends and family.

Robert Gray, Henderson


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