Letter: President thinks the end justifies the means

Fri, Nov 30, 2007 (7:17 a.m.)

Phil Ventura asks in his Monday letter how President Bush and his cohorts can sleep knowing their actions have caused thousands of American and tens of thousands of Iraqi deaths. Simple answer: They don't care.

King George is concerned only about his legacy and his firm belief that U.S. troops should stay in the Mideast for 20 to 30 years (as in South Korea and Western Europe). But there are two big differences - we have been welcomed in Europe and South Korea because we helped protect them, so we have no casualties among our troops. And second, the reason to be in the Mideast is not to protect the local population - rather, it's to establish an American foothold in Arab oil reserves.

For this purpose, King George believes the end justifies the means and Americans must be willing to make the sacrifice. Impeachment is impossible - Congress can't even override his vetoes, let alone consider impeachment. But have faith. As of Dec. 17 George Bush and his cronies have only 400 days left in office.

Also, please do notice how many Republican politicians are resigning or retiring so they are not humiliated in the anti-Bush tidal wave in next November's election.

Frank O'Neill, Las Vegas


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