Letter: GOP in Congress, Bush are ruining America

Wed, Oct 3, 2007 (7:01 a.m.)

A recent poll showed that independent voters were tilting toward the Democratic Party. I don't understand why average Republicans don't lean that way, too. They should consider that our Republican president has been a total disaster for our country, and that they, and most congressional Republicans, have given him their full support.

They watched as the president took us to war in Iraq based on faulty premises, ignored our generals' advice and mismanaged every aspect of the war there, and simply nod ded in support like bobble-head dolls.

They admire President Bush and congressional Republicans for passing three tax cuts, but won't acknowledge that this has driven our national debt up from $5. 7 trillion when President Clinton left office to $9 trillion today, and that if this trend continues the debt will be about $15 trillion by the end of the next decade.

They won't admit to themselves that Bush has consistently appointed friends to high office who are not qualified . So we get the FEMA/Katrina disaster with Michael Brown in charge, who didn't have a clue about how to proceed , or Attorney General Albert o Gonzales, who was more interested in protecting Bush than the Constitution.

There is more, such as Bush not protecting our borders from illegal immigrants, or that the president is ignoring the wishes of Congress and endorses allowing Mexican 18-wheelers to use our highways. And now he threatens to veto a bill to provide health insurance for an additional 4 million poor children, and you wonder how anyone can proudly say that he or she is a Republican. The ones who will are those who refuse to believe anything negative about Bush and other Republicans. For the rest, it's time to consider the Democratic Party.

Richard J. Mundy, Las Vegas


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