Letter: Reid is right to push for renewable energy

Fri, Oct 19, 2007 (8:23 a.m.)

Regarding the Las Vegas Sun's Oct. 6 story "Reid's wily power play - His latest move to limit coal and boost renewable energy is a carrot and a stick":

I oppose the plan for developing coal-fired power plants in White Pine County and support Sen. Harry Reid's opposition to the proposal. As an avid outdoors enthusiast and runner, I think it's important to look at the forms our energy consumption takes.

Coal is an outdated mode of energy production, and although we might still need to rely on coal now, we should not invest resources to build new plants with old technology. Resources should be allocated to new technology that supports cleaner, renewable energy.

Sen. Reid is taking the right steps against coal-based energy by advocating for accelerated use of renewable energy in Nevada. This not only makes environmental sense by paving the way for a cleaner Nevada, but it also prepares the state for new economic opportunities.

Rush Clark, Reno


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