Letter: Salesman who keeps selling you lemons

Tue, Sep 18, 2007 (7:04 a.m.)

The car you bought from that used-car salesman wasn't just a lemon. It broke down before you got out of sight of his lot, and you discovered that he and his henchmen had told you bold, outrageous lies that were self-evident and undeniable. Yet, he refused to take it back or to admit that he had lied to you or made major mistakes and he never once hinted at apologizing for his devious duplicity and deception.

Now, you are going to buy another car, just like the last one, because he says it's a "classic "? Oh, it's a classic all right. It's a classic like the car they pushed out into the showroom for the reporters to see in 1953. That car actually had no motor under the hood.

But the media did their stories and the public believed everything the manufacturer told them, until it came time to start the engine. That one was called the Iran coup. The one you bought five years ago was the Iraq convertible.

Now, they want you to mortgage your grandchildren's future and indeed the planet's future on the new "surge." It has no engine and no transmission. It has no gas, nor even a gas tank. It has a fake body and no seat belts. The interior stinks.

The used car salesman has been indicted for major crimes and the IRS and others are on the way to close down the lot. But you have bought the pitch again, hook, line and sinker. Have you lost your mind?

Robert B. Elliott, Las Vegas


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