Letter: We badly need new president, war plan

Tue, Sep 18, 2007 (7:04 a.m.)

President Bush continues to defy the American people with the continuation of his failed policy in Iraq. Although there are viable alternatives that could end our military involvement in Iraq's civil war, he continues to pursue his "stay the course" policy that has failed for 4 1/2 years and causes our troops to be sitting ducks for Iraqi insurgents and their explosives.

The president knows that his stubbornness has caused the loss of the Republican Party's majority in the House and Senate in the 2006 elections. He knows that his Iraq war policy will cause further losses in Congress in the 2008 elections.

His actions will serve to put a Democrat in the White House who will immediately redeploy our troops out of harm's way. It seems that the president is content to hide behind the minor military accomplishments of the past few months while the Iraqi government crumbles. The "surge" will allow him to maintain the support of enough sheep-headed senators and representatives to allow him to pass on to the next president the horrific problems of his administration's making.

His reluctance to change his Iraq policy will result in the needless deaths of approximately 1,440 more American troops over the next 14 months while this inevitable scenario runs its course. What kind of a man is it who will sacrifice the lives of 1,400 young American men and women rather than admit he is pursuing a failed strategy? An egotistical, stubborn, reckless, ill-advised, unaccountable man to be sure.

Let's really support the troops and impeach the president.

Phil Ventura, Las Vegas


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