
Took part in caucus, but was vote counted?

Fri, Jan 25, 2008 (2 a.m.)

I have felt deeply troubled since the Saturday caucus. A registered independent of more than 40 years, I support Barack Obama enough so that I attended a caucus and changed my political affiliation to Democrat.

After registering, I was given a ballot and proceeded to the Obama group. A plate of M&Ms was passed around and our group munched on them while other groups conducted precinct business. We were told that we would conduct our business “after.” Well, “after” never came.

Someone approached our group and asked for a show of hands of who was voting for Obama. We were then told that we were done and could leave. We wondered what we should do with the unfilled ballots in our hands and were told they didn’t need them. We stood in dismay as everyone left.

Was our vote ever registered? Did someone jot down the number in an Obama column somewhere? A Hillary column? Any column? How can our vote be traced or verified? Were we disenfranchised?

I am the mom of a son with more than 16 years in the Army. I read in the newspaper on a recent day that we lost three more servicemen. They died trying to spread democracy, while at home such disrespect is given to voting procedures that my vote was not guaranteed. One can only hope that the political machine is pleased, for as a citizen, I feel violated.

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