Letter to the editor:

Endoscopy patient sorry he moved here

Fri, Mar 21, 2008 (2:01 a.m.)

When in the early 1990s I decided to move our small company from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, many of my personal and business friends questioned my decision. They maintained that although the gangsters have left Las Vegas, the gangster mentality still exists in the state and local governments in Nevada. I didn’t listen to them and moved to Las Vegas in 1994.

Even the corruptions of Clark County commissioners did not convince me of the truth of my friends’ opinions. The corruptions did not affect me personally.

But now that I am one of the 40,000 patients caught in the dastardly web of the Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada, I am convinced of the ineptness of state and local officials who are responsible for the lack of investigation and are now protecting their “friends.” I see the truth of my friends’ opinions. I wish I had listened to their advice.

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