Unscripted, it’s Palin who shines brightest

Sat, Nov 1, 2008 (2:03 a.m.)

I respectfully take issue with John Esperian’s letter (“Reasons aplenty to reject McCain candidacy,” Friday) particularly the last sentence: “And if that isn’t enough to help you decide, think of Sarah Palin as potential president of the United States.”

This constantly has come up, and you know what? We should put aside our biases and really listen to what our candidates are saying apart from their prepared speeches. Anyone can speak from a prepared speech, from notes or from a teleprompter.

When the presidential and vice presidential candidates have spoken during debates or when being interviewed, Sarah Palin has topped all of them. She is quick, concise and speaks with a smile that instills confidence that she knows what she is talking about.

Barack Obama, on the other hand, when speaking off the cuff, hesitates too much, as if he doesn’t want to say too much lest he divulge his true intentions.

John McCain isn’t the trained speaker like the other three, but what he says makes sense and is from the heart.

Joe Biden? He speaks well, but doesn’t make much sense. He keeps putting his foot in his mouth, sometimes to his running mate’s dismay.

I’ll take Palin as president if it comes to that. And if the Republicans don’t make it this time, I hope Palin comes back in four years.

We need more Sarahs and Joe the Plumbers. They represent the real chance for change.

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