Letter to the editor:

How the two parties are failing us

Thu, Nov 6, 2008 (2:01 a.m.)

It is hard to believe that so many Americans continue to strongly support the two major political parties.

How long have we had an immigration problem that is never fully addressed? It’s been years and it has existed over the period each party has held power.

The same goes for our dependence on foreign oil, our tax system, education, our crumbling infrastructure, Social Security and Medicare entitlements, wasteful military and foreign policy spending, etc.

Every two, four and six years we look at these big issues and they are still with us. Each party tells us “it’s those other guys who didn’t get the job done.”

The federal government continues to get larger, more expensive and more intrusive and yet neither party can ever seem to locate and dismantle even one federal government program that isn’t working very well.

During the presidential campaign, both John McCain and Barack Obama claimed they would go over the federal budget line by line and kill wasteful programs. Oops, they forgot to mention that the president has no line item veto and that Congress gets votes to stay in office by creating new programs, not killing off old programs.

And all the while the media never calls the politicians on any of the lies. Instead they report on money spent on a vice presidential candidate’s wardrobe or on gaffes spoken by another vice presidential candidate. What a country I live in! Please deliver me!

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