Letter to the editor:

Tough tests will make Obama a great leader

Tue, Nov 11, 2008 (2:03 a.m.)

Our country is not in good shape.

We have a faltering economy, which is having a global effect. Every day we read in the papers of U.S. companies having massive layoffs. Even our great U.S. automakers are facing bankruptcy. And our government is now bailing out Wall Street.

We are stuck in a stupid “war” in Iraq, where it seems victory is nowhere in sight. We continue to waste billions of dollars, and the Iraqi people don’t even want us there.

Our esteem throughout the world is at its lowest point in our history.

This is the America that President-elect Barack Obama will inherit from the Bush administration on inauguration day, Jan. 20.

President Bush and his cronies messed up our country so badly through their ineffective governing — and now they will walk away washing their hands while saying: Here, President Obama, see if you can fix America.

Throughout history the great presidents came into office while the country was going through bad times, and this time will be no different.

Barack Obama will be a great president because he will get this country through this mess and restore our respect from the rest of the world.

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