With Bush out, GOP can return to its roots

Sat, Nov 29, 2008 (2:03 a.m.)

This past election cycle proved to be a very tough row to hoe for members of the Republican Party, locally and nationally. It was hard to watch as the planks in the platforms that so many believe important to the party were cast aside to support an administration that had its own agenda.

As a lifelong, hard-core union Democrat, I might be tempted to revel in the Republicans’ misery, but I find myself feeling sorry for those who love their country and thought the GOP would work for them.

The current administration and Bush-Cheney diehards had hijacked the Grand Old Party. Those who are frustrated and angry have crossed party lines to support policies more in harmony with the common sense that once prevailed in their party before W. came to D.C.

The attitude that grew with frightening quickness was one of “power over policy.” The sacrifice of the latter cost the brand the former, a bit of reaping what you sow.

Now it is time to pick up the pieces of a shattered party, leave behind the antiquated policies of contention and division and get back to the nobler ones like balanced budgets, deficit reduction and responsible social policy.

These are reforms we all want, Democrats and Republicans. Move-On can now give way to Move-Forward. Let’s all work together for a better nation as a whole and forget about those things that do us no good.

Do not mourn the GOP of W., it really didn’t include all of us anyway.

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