Democrats have no reason for overconfidence

Sat, Aug 1, 2009 (2:01 a.m.)

It’s only August of the off year and no major candidate has stepped forward to challenge Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. And, yes, the state’s top Republicans — Gov. Jim Gibbons and Sen. John Ensign — could hurt the party. But if Democrats are cocky, they should heed the ever-insightful Charlie Cook’s latest column: “Democrats can now assume the charmed life they enjoyed in 2006 and 2008 is over. The wind, waves and tides strong and at their backs in those elections, will at best be still in 2010. The chances of those forces being in their faces this time are rising.” Cook points out the president’s falling numbers as well as the erosion of support for Democrats on a generic ballot test. Ominous signs.

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