Fugitive arrested in Las Vegas on attempted homicide warrant

Tue, Aug 4, 2009 (11:42 p.m.)

Patrick Jackson

Patrick Jackson

A man wanted on an attempted homicide warrant out of Pennsylvania was arrested in Las Vegas on Tuesday night, federal authorities said.

Patrick Jackson, 19, was arrested near the intersection of J and Wyatt streets, the U.S. Marshals Office said.

Jackson had been a fugitive from October 2008 until members of the U.S. Marshals Nevada Fugitive Investigative Strike Team (FIST) located and arrested him in Las Vegas.

Jackson was wanted on a warrant issued by the Chester, Penn., Police Department in connection with the robbery and shooting of a person who had been involved in a dice game with Jackson, authorities said.

Information was received which led investigators to believe Jackson had fled to Las Vegas. That information was passed on to the members of the U.S. Marshals Nevada Fugitive Investigative Strike Team and, with the assistance of the Metro Police K-9 Unit, Jackson was found and arrested in a house.

Jackson has been booked into the Clark County Detention Center, where he awaits extradition to Pennsylvania.

“Arrests like these are the positive results of our joint agency efforts to arrest out-of-state fugitives who think they can avoid capture by fleeing to Las Vegas,” said U.S. Marshal Gary Orton of


The Nevada FIST is led by the U.S. Marshals and includes law enforcement officers from Metro Police, the Nevada Department of Public Safety, the city of Las Vegas Department of Detention and Enforcement, the Nevada Department of Corrections, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The task force is permanent.

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