
Numbers Like Pi

Conversations as Currency EP


Numbers Like Pi - Conversations as Currency EP

Thu, Aug 13, 2009 (midnight)

Who knew the studio could be such a band-killer? Already this year, Vegas rockers Cherry Hill and Skorchamenza have released new discs and simultaneously called it quits, and now local group Numbers Like Pi has done likewise. One ex-member reports Numbers split the very day it finished mastering Conversations as Currency, but we can’t hear anyone throwing anything in the background.

The Details

Numbers Like Pi
Three stars
Beyond the Weekly
Numbers Like Pi

As final statements go, the EP is a fine way to go out—a six-song set of the intelligent, rhythmically shifting post-hardcore the quartet brought to the scene during its three-year run. (One regret: the band opted not to cover Kate Bush’s “Pi,” in which she unfurls the number to 137 decimal places.) And it’s not like we won’t see these guys making music again; three members, Tony Sermeno, Chance Smith and Huston Todd, are in the midst of recording an EP as new group Time and Space. Careful, guys.

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