Man arrested in June slaying in North Las Vegas

Mon, Aug 24, 2009 (5:21 p.m.)

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Jarrel Young

North Las Vegas Police and other law enforcement agencies arrested 28-year-old Jarrel Young about 3:30 p.m. Monday in the murder of a 19-year-old man in June.

Young has been charged with murder with a deadly weapon in the slaying of Brandon Manor, said Sgt. Tim Bedwell of the North Las Vegas Police Department.

Manor was shot and killed about 9:15 p.m. June 12 near building No. 24 of the Cheyenne Villas Apartments at 3260 Fountain Falls Way, Bedwell said. Detectives named Young as a suspect on June 25 and obtained a warrant for his arrest.

Police initially thought Young, originally from Chicago, had left Southern Nevada. However, he was arrested in the 5300 bock of West Desert Inn Road, Bedwell said.

Young was captured by members of the Criminal Apprehension Team, the Safe Streets Gang Task Force and North Las Vegas Police detectives.

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