An honorable tribute


Zach Trenholm

Thu, Aug 27, 2009 (midnight)

This is one way pitiless Sin City shows its heart: throwing an A-team of Strip performers at a good cause. In this case, to remember Michael Jackson for the benefit of school music programs. Terry Fator, Holly Madison and other Strip artists—representing such shows as Jersey Boys, The Lion King, Zumanity and Phantom: The Las Vegas Spectacular—will gather, amid a batch of Jackson memorabilia, to perform the late star’s music. Proceeds go to music-education programming in Clark County.

The Details

Las Vegas Celebrates the Music of Michael Jackson
August 29, 3 p.m., $29-$129.
The Pearl
Beyond the Weekly

Long Live The King

Las Vegas will take center stage in the world of entertainment this Saturday. The city's biggest performers are coming together inside Palms for the Las Vegas Celebrates The Music of Michael Jackson Concert. Emily Gimmel heads to rehearsals for the monumental event.

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