Did he just say that?

Sat, Aug 29, 2009 (2:01 a.m.)

U.S Senate candidate Danny Tarkanian gave an interview to the Rebel Yell recently and offered this: “Running for the U.S. Senate is a tougher race than running for the secretary of state. It is a greater victory.” Of course, he hasn’t had a victory yet in politics. And this: “I ran against a great (opponent) in 2006 and I’m ready for another good race ... I lost because of the negative TV ads that ran. Because of that, I won a defamation lawsuit, which proves to my peers that everything that was said was false, so I believe I am the best man to run against (Sen. Harry) Reid.” Logic explanation, please? Finally: “Reid is very unpopular in Nevada right now ... I saw an opening to remove him and I took it ... He doesn’t scare me.” Maybe he should.

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