Bishop Gorman football coach is out


Justin M. Bowen/File Photo

Bob Altshuler, excited about Bishop Gorman’s win over Cheyenne Nov. 14, takes his shirt off to celebrate with the team.

Published Fri, Jan 30, 2009 (1:26 p.m.)

Updated Fri, Jan 30, 2009 (7:48 p.m.)

Bob Altshuler

Bob Altshuler

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Bishop Gorman is getting a new football coach.

Bob Altshuler, who was released Thursday as Bishop Gorman's football coach, said school officials told him he was let go because they had problems communicating with him.

Altshuler, who coached the Gaels to the 2007 state championship and a 26-2 record in two years at the helm, met with his team Friday afternoon to inform them of the decision.

“Obviously, this was a surprise to me,” Altshuler said. “Frankly, there was no reason for it. This is high school football.”

Gorman administrators would not discuss details surrounding Altshuler’s dismissal.

Principal Aggie Evert said, through a press release, that Altshuler would finish the school year in his capacity as a dean.

“We thank him for his contributions to the school, and wish him the best of luck in the future,” she said.

Altshuler came to Southern Nevada from Yakima, Wash., late in the spring of 2007. Seven months later, the Gaels capped a perfect 14-0 season by beating Reno's McQueen High for the large-school state title.

“When I came down here, they said they wanted me for 10 years,” he said. “They sat in my living room and said all they wanted to do was win a playoff game that first year. We won the state championship.”

Altshuler, who put down roots and bought a house in Las Vegas, said he plans to stay here and seek another high school coaching job.

“I love coaching football. I have gotten so much out of it,” he said.

As Gorman moved from its Las Vegas campus in central Las Vegas to its new facility in Summerlin last year, Altshuler's first practices were held at various Las Vegas parks with no lines or goal posts.

Despite the less than ideal practice conditions, the Gaels won the school's first championship in more than 20 years.

Known for his defensive schemes, Altshuler's teams recorded eight shutouts in two years and held opponents to under 10 points another eight times.

Gorman finished 12-2 in 2008 and lost 50-12 to Palo Verde in the Sunset Regional championship game. It was Altshuler's only loss to a Nevada team last year.

Altshuler replaced Dave White, who left the Catholic school to become a graduate assistant at Oklahoma.

Ray Brewer can be reached at 990-2662 or [email protected].

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