New 7-Eleven planned for intersection near UNLV

Mon, Dec 6, 2010 (4:25 p.m.)


A new 7-Eleven convenience store at the corner of Swenson Street and Naples Drive, near the UNLV campus, was recommended for approval by the Paradise town board last week.

The 2,800-square-foot store will be open 24 hours a day, selling selected food and groceries, as well as offering tobacco products and packaged beer and wine. Slot machines will also be installed. There will be no gas pumps.

The application goes next to the Clark County Planning Commission, which will vote on Dec. 21 for final approval.

The 7-Eleven will be inside the 10,000-square-foot Strip Center, near UNLV's intramural fields. Fennemore Craig, who represented the company at the meeting, said construction is expected to begin by the summer.

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