Fire damages home in northeast Las Vegas Valley

Four adults displaced by fire, which causes heavy damage to attic

Published Sun, Dec 19, 2010 (1:34 p.m.)

Updated Sun, Dec 19, 2010 (4:26 p.m.)

Fire damage home

An apparent attic fire caused $50,000 worth of damage to a single-story home containing many antiques in the northeast valley Sunday afternoon, fire officials said.

Las Vegas Fire and Rescue spokesman Tim Szymanski said crews responded at 11:32 a.m. to the fire in the 300 block of North 15th Street, which is near East Bonanza Road.

The home's occupants reported problems with a heater on the roof, but firefighters discovered a fire in the attic upon arrival, Szymanski said.

Plywood on the attic floor for storage purposes prevented crews from entering the attic from inside the home, so firefighters cut holes in the roof and attacked the fire from outside, he said. No one was injured.

The fire caused heavy damage to the attic and an interior section of the 1,300-square-foot home built in 1950, Szymanski said. The Red Cross is assisting the four adults displaced from the home.

The cause of the blaze remains under investigation, but fire officials believe it was accidental, likely electrical in nature.

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