U.S. and Canada need each other in these tough times

Mon, May 17, 2010 (2:02 a.m.)

The numbers are in — 73,524 jobs in Nevada are supported by trade with Canada. And if the U.S.-Canada border were closed today, more than 8 million American jobs would be negatively affected.

The recession hurt millions of people in both Canada and the U.S. Our mutual prosperity is greatly enhanced by strengthening our integrated economies and ensuring that our shared border operates efficiently and safely. The United States and Canada have been, and will continue to be, each other’s best customer. Over $1 million worth of goods and services cross our border every minute.

Canada is the top export market for 34 of the 50 states. Last year, Nevada’s exports to Canada totaled $796 million, making Canada this state’s second largest export market. We buy almost three times more from the United States as China does. In addition, the United States exports more to Canada than to China, Japan and the United Kingdom combined.

The nature of the economic relationship between our two countries is unique. Canadian and U.S. companies make things together through integrated supply chains. Goods routinely cross the border multiple times — up to six occasions in the case of complex manufactured goods like automobiles—before the finished product is ready for consumers.

This production system depends on an open and stable trade environment, and an efficient and secure northern border.

As Canada’s representative for Nevada, I recently shared the importance of the Canada-U.S. economic relationship with members of Congress. The message? When you vote, think North American competitiveness. Think high-paying jobs in your state. Think Canada. And when voting on legislation, think open and competitive procurement markets to preserve jobs on both sides of the border.

We depend on one another to compete globally. Canadians and Americans are in this together.

The writer is Canada’s consul general for Nevada, Hawaii, Guam and Northern California and heads its consulate based in San Francisco.

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