Andy Rooney’s remarks on Vegas were insensitive

Wed, May 19, 2010 (2:01 a.m.)

As a Canadian who visits Las Vegas a few times a year, I was somewhat taken aback by the comments of “60 Minutes” commentator Andy Rooney. It seems Rooney takes some pleasure in the fact that gaming revenue in Vegas is down.

How does he not realize the significant effect that the recession has taken on Nevada? People are hurting, jobs are being lost and people are losing their homes, yet he has the gall to make insensitive comments about the greatest entertainment city in the world.

Your city gives people all around the globe a place to enjoy themselves even if only for a few days. Vegas allows me to put aside the rigors of everyday life and to just enjoy every minute that I am there.

The excitement, fun, casinos, entertainment and food that Vegas provides are second to none. Las Vegans should be proud that they are on the world stage every single day and that they perform to A-1 standards. There is no city like Vegas.

I for one continue to vacation in your great city during this difficult economic time and I sincerely hope the dollars I spend, whether it be shopping or gambling, help to stimulate your economy even if just a little. Vegas is, and always will be, the place where it’s at.

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