Hardcore scratch nerd: Qbert signs on at Crown



Thu, May 20, 2010 (11:58 a.m.)

America's Best DJs are making Vegas their home. We've got Z-Trip and Scotty Boy at the Palms, Kaskade launching his summer residency at the Encore Beach Club, Skribble's at Studio 54, and here comes one more. Get ready for Qbert at a nightclub near you next month.

Repeatedly ranking in DJ Times' polls of the best DJs behind the tables and racking up numerous accolades as a DMC champion, Richard Quitevis, better known as Qbert, is preparing to kick off a residency June 23 at Crown Nightclub inside the Rio.

"It's twice a month, every other Wednesday," Qbert tells the Weekly and encourages all the b-boys and girls to come out and join the party. The turntabilist says he plans on finding something to appeal to everyone, but still remain true to what helped him make his mark. "I'd like to just go hardcore and balls out, super hardcore underground," says the San Francisco native. "But you can't really please everyone, so I'm just going to do what I love and I'm just going to be myself." He adds, "I'll always throw something in at the end for all the hardcore scratch nerds like myself."

The launch of Qbert's residency also marks the beginning of a new night celebrating Asian-American culture. Qbert, a Filipino-American, will be one of many music and entertainment icons featured on various Wednesday nights that represent various facets of Asian-American heritage.

In addition to Qbert's first night and launch of The Movement, other special guests slated are Far East Movement (June 20) and Kuncklehead Zoo (July 14).

"All of us can put all our cultures together and become one voice where we can shout out and say we're all Asians, but we can share one night," says Airuzz Barroga, Marketing Director for Next Events, which is spearheading The Movement, and also of Filipino descent. "We get to show who we are, but everybody is always welcome and invited to the night."

— Originally published on LasVegasWeekly.com. Check back soon at lasvegasweekly.com for the Nocturnal Admissions podcast with Qbert.

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