County politics good for a little entertainment

Thu, May 27, 2010 (2:03 a.m.)

I moved from Las Vegas to Williamsburg, Va., in 2001 to help out in my brother-in-law’s business. During the year I was there I regaled my new friends in the Old Dominion with tales of the political chicanery and outright criminality rampant on the Clark County Commission at that time.

Their response was usually, “Oh, no, that surely cannot happen.” My rejoinder was always, “Oh yeah, it happens all right; and it happens right out in the open where everyone who’s paying attention can see it.” Tuesday’s Las Vegas Sun story, about the travails of David Cooper and Michael Powers and their separate quests to open sex clubs in Clark County, brought back fond memories of those halcyon days of yore.

It appears that both Powers and Cooper were simply a little late in seeking licensure for their randy enterprises. Had they but come along in the era of Lance Malone, Dario Herrera, Erin Kenny and Mary Kincaid-Chauncey, they could have saved the money spent on building improvements and litigation.

All that would have been required was for them to grease the palms of the sitting county commissioners of the day and their licenses would have appeared as if by magic.

Ah, Clark County politics; you can’t beat it for sheer entertainment value!

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