A quick quiz on the acts playing Identity Festival

Wed, Aug 31, 2011 (3:18 p.m.)

It’s been 10 weeks since the Electric Daisy Carnival pulled up stakes at the Speedway and left town—in other words, long enough for any self-respecting electronic dance music fan to work up a hearty appetite. Enter Identity Festival. The month-long traveling fest hits Las Vegas on Monday, September 5, setting up inside Mandalay Bay’s Ballroom for an all-day, multiple-stage extravaganza featuring up-and-coming artists and longtime scene staples.

In the spirit of the event’s name, let’s see if you can unravel the Identity of these 20 participating acts.

Match names from the list on the right with the descriptions on the left.

1. German duo whose 2005 single “Body Language” was sampled on will.i.am’s Songs About Girls album.

Identity acts

A. Kaskade
B. Steve Aoki
C. The Crystal Method
D. Pretty Lights
E. Pete Tong
F. Booka Shade
G. Rusko
H. Holy Ghost!
I. Nero
J. Le Castle Vania

2. NYC act signed to the same DFA label that’s been home to LCD Soundsystem and The Rapture.

3. Founder of Dim Mak Records, co-sponsor of Identity Fest’s Rock Star Energy Drink Dim Mak Stage.

4. Former staff writer and editor for British music magazine Blues & Soul.

5. Atlanta DJ and founder of that city’s F*ck Yessss party.

6. One attended Rancho High, the other the old Las Vegas High.

7. British dubstep duo whose brand new album, Welcome Reality, debuted at No. 1 in the U.K.

8. Hit No. 1 on Billboard’s Hot Dance Airplay chart with a 2008 collaboration with Deadmau5.

9. Helped produce M.I.A.’s 2010 album, Maya.

10. A Colorado native who offers all of his music for pay-what-you-like download on his official website.

Answers: 1-F, 2-H, 3-B, 4-E, 5-J, 6-C, 7-I, 8-A, 9-G, 10-D.

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