Casa Fuente’s Spirits Society offers the finest in liquid luxury


Erik Kabik

Glenfiddich’s Snow Phoenix

Wed, Feb 2, 2011 (12:50 p.m.)

My first taste of Glenfiddich’s Snow Phoenix is revelatory. It’s one of the smoothest scotches I’ve ever sampled, and its quality is matched by its back story—heavy snow collapsed a warehouse roof in Scotland, and what casks could be salvaged were blended together, creating a one-of-a-kind product. There were only 1,000 cases produced.

For those wondering how it tastes, you’ll have to wait a few weeks before Casa Fuente gets its next shipment. But consider this: a few weeks ago, you’d have been sampling it for free if you were a member of the Casa Fuente Spirits Society.

Launched last month to introduce locals to the finest spirits and brand ambassadors, the Spirits Society adds an element of education to Casa Fuente in the Forum Shops at Caesars, which is already known for its world-class Arturo Fuente cigars and amazing selection of “Black List” spirits, including a 50-year Glenfiddich that’ll cost you $1,100 a shot.

“Locals love spirits, and I want to get them more involved in some of the exciting things going on,” Casa Fuente co-owner Michael Frey explains.

Click to enlarge photo

Michael Frey and Glenfiddich's Mitch Bechard

A $50 one-time fee gets you a membership card, 15 percent discounts on Casa Fuente’s spirits, a newsletter and a welcoming cigar and cocktail. “It’s paid for itself before you even get started,” Frey says. The society has about 60 members, but Frey says as membership grows, he plans “real special events, like a scotch dinner—perhaps even planning a trip to Scotland.”

The highlight of membership will be invites to exclusive society meetings held on the patio of Casa Fuente. Frey says there will be two to seven meetings a month, depending on the availability of ambassadors to present their products. February meetings will include Balvenie scotch and Zacapa rum. As Frey takes a loving look at his glass of Snow Phoenix, he adds, “It will be very fluid—much like this scotch going down my throat.”

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