Business as usual is not what voters want from GOP

Mon, Feb 7, 2011 (2:04 a.m.)

The hostility toward elites is rising, and the general public seems to have lost faith in professional politicians and economists, because social inequality has increased everywhere.

Trying to run the world through wars and prolonged occupations is neither conservative nor cheap. In addition to the Great Recession, this is a new era — with endless federal and state government deficits; international competitiveness; U.S. manufacturing companies moving overseas, creating high unemployment here; and uncontrolled health care and education costs — that has delivered a fatal blow to the overconfidence of economists and provoked a reexamination of our social inequality and inequity here.

The GOP is offering nothing to create more jobs. And some in the GOP propose making cuts to Social Security and Medicare, a move overwhelmingly opposed by American workers, who paid for the benefits with hard-earned income all of their working lives so they can retire with dignity.

The GOP lost touch with the American people after the 2010 election victories because they offer only a return to business as usual.

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