Shades of ‘Pet Sematary’: Cat hit by car crawls back from grave

Wed, Jan 28, 2015 (8:02 a.m.)

TAMPA, Fla. — If cats have nine lives, Bart the black and white feline from Tampa, Florida, has certainly used up one.

The Tampa Bay Times reports that when 1 ½-year-old Bart was hit by a car earlier this month, owner Ellis Hutson was so distraught he couldn't stand the thought of burying the cat. So he asked neighbor Dusty Albritton to dig a shallow grave.

But five days later, on Jan. 21, a matted and injured Bart emerged, meowing for food.

Hutson got in touch with the Humane Society of Tampa Bay, which through the Save-A-Pet Medical Fund will help cover costs of surgery to remove an eye, wire his jaw shut and insert a feeding tube.

Bart should recover in about six weeks and he'll go home with Hutson.

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