Bill would expand protections for justified killings

Tue, Mar 3, 2015 (10:37 a.m.)

CARSON CITY — Nevada Assembly Republicans are advocating for a bill that would expand the rights of people who kill someone in self-defense.

Republican Assemblywoman Shelly Shelton testified Tuesday in the Assembly Judiciary Committee on AB 171, which would extend protections to people defending their vehicles. The bill would also provide civil immunity for people who commit a justifiable homicide.

Democrats and civil liberties groups vehemently opposed the bill, saying it disproportionately harm minorities and would increase the number of fatal shootings in the state.

Republican Senate Majority Leader Michael Roberson last week introduced SB 175, which contains similar language to Shelton's bill regarding justifiable homicide. It would also limit firearm access to people convicted of domestic abuse crimes.

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