Ex-Uber driver pleads guilty to Boston rape

Sat, Oct 17, 2015 (10:57 a.m.)

A former driver for the ride-hailing service Uber has pleaded guilty to kidnapping and raping a woman, and was sentenced to serve 10 to 12 years in prison.

Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan says 47-year-old Alejandro Done pleaded guilty Friday to aggravated rape, kidnapping, and assault and battery.

The victim had arranged for a ride from Boston to her home in Cambridge in December 2014 when Done appeared and she got in his car. He then told her that he would need a cash payment, so he took her to an ATM.

Done then drove her to a secluded location and sexually assaulted her.

Ryan says people should take precautions when using any ride-sharing service and verify the license plate and the make and model of the car.

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