Sierra Nevada’s first winter storm forecast for Sunday-Monday

Sat, Oct 31, 2015 (11:11 a.m.)

The Sierra Nevada's first winter storm of the season is expected to arrive this weekend.

The National Weather Service forecasts strong winds beginning Sunday afternoon around Lake Tahoe and the northern Sierra followed by rain and snow Sunday night into Monday.

Between six inches and a foot of snow is possible in the mountains above elevations of 7,500 feet.

A few inches of snow are possible over the top of highway passes Monday morning, and there's a chance snow could accumulate in the valleys Monday night.

Rain should begin north of Interstate 80 Sunday evening, moving south early Monday. Rain is likely in Reno Sunday night, and snow possible Monday night.

The service says next week should bring western Nevada's first widespread freeze with lows dropping into the 20s on Tuesday and Wednesday.

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