Letter to the editor:

Let’s recognize the real prez

Sat, Dec 9, 2017 (2 a.m.)

The day after Thanksgiving, our president pro-tem (aka: The Manchurian Candidate) tweeted a pitch to be Time Magazine’s Person of the Year again. He touted more accomplishments than any other president in history for the equivalent time in office — this in spite of having accomplished absolutely nothing so far. He also doesn’t seem to realize that being Person of the Year is not always an honor.

To fulfill his obsession with outdoing President Barack Obama, he needs to be Person of the Year three times. However, in case he isn’t selected he is already tweeting out excuses as to why the magazine couldn’t choose him in spite of wanting to do so. These include not having time to go to required photo shoots. He doesn’t seem to realize photo shoots are not required.

I would like to suggest a compromise to Time: Place a cover caption, “Person of the Year, The President of the United States,” just below a picture of our de facto president, Vladimir Putin. That way Trump at least has his undeserved title mentioned.

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