Ohio tornadoes damage businesses, interrupt graduation

Thu, May 25, 2017 (4:20 p.m.)

MIDDLETOWN, Ohio — Tornadoes that swept through southwest Ohio tossed drainage pipes through the glass windows of a motorcycle shop and heavily damaged a handful of homes.

Authorities say there are no reports of serious injuries from the storm Wednesday night.

The National Weather Service said Thursday that two tornadoes touched down in Clark County and one in Miami County. Damage also was reported in Greene County.

Some of the heaviest damage was in the community of Park Layne just northeast of Dayton, where a gas station was destroyed. At least four mobile homes and the motorcycle dealership also were damaged.

The storm also disrupted Xenia (ZEEN'-yuh) High School's graduation at Wright State University's basketball arena.

Students were told to move off the floor and away from a large scoreboard that hangs overhead.

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