Tax cuts have ripple effect

Mon, Apr 16, 2018 (2 a.m.)

In response to the April 8 letter “Tax cuts weren’t for the middle class,” I beg to differ. It was determined by the Tax Research Center that over 80 percent of working Americans would see their taxes cut. Apple, IBM and other corporations are bringing back billions of dollars parked overseas due to high tax rates, investing in their U.S.-based infrastructure and hiring more employees. American Airlines and other corporations have offered U.S.-based employees bonuses. How is this not helping the middle class?

Anyway, had the tax cut bill been applied retroactively to 2017, I would have paid $400-$500 less. Since then, I have returned to work and will pay much less in taxes compared with the 2017 tax rates.

Trickle-down economics has always worked, whether it was under President Ronald Reagan or President George W. Bush. What hasn’t worked is stimulus plans that contributed greatly to our mounting debt with little to nothing to show for it — except if you were a government employee.

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