Letter to the editor:

Boomers were raised well

Tue, Aug 14, 2018 (2 a.m.)

I am a female baby boomer who served 15 years active duty in the United States Marine Corps during Vietnam, Grenada and Beirut.

Contrary to the opinion voiced in the July 31 letter “Boomers are a selfish age group,” we have nothing to do with the mess the U.S. is in today. Baby boomers had nothing handed to them; we worked for what we have. We put money into Social Security — that is ours when we retire.

Boomers grew up respecting our elders. Boomers were disciplined with a switch from tree or Dad’s belt, not this timeout that parents give their children today. Boomers worked together with love and care for neighbors and co-workers.

Go to Washington to visit the Vietnam memorial wall. Many brave men and women baby boomers served at war. They gave their lives for the people of this country.

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