Letter to the editor:

Focus should be on people issues

Sat, Dec 8, 2018 (2 a.m.)

John Dombek’s recent letter to the editor (“2020 focus on issues” Nov. 28) is on the right track about ignoring Donald Trump’s presidential tirades and concentrating on legislative issues in the critical 2020 “save our democracy” election.

I would hope the new blue House of Representatives would have legislation as its highest priority — people issues like a public health care option, infrastructure jobs, voter rights, prescription drug costs, social security/Medicare, immigration, climate change and so forth.

Legislation of this nature is a win-win-win strategy for the Democrats.

When passed by the House it would show the public that the Democrats are issue-oriented leaders. That’s win No. 1. If passed or rejected by the Senate, that’s win No. 2. There are 20 Republican Senate seats up for re-election in 2020, and their current occupants will have to explain why they rejected legislation that helps their constituents.

Then, should the legislation pass the Senate and the president signs it or vetoes it, that’s win No. 3. If vetoed, how does that work in a major election for the party?

The House should continue with investigations as a high priority without a focus on impeachment. Casting sunshine on what the administration has done is sufficient. Besides, the impeachment process will take a major effort and will not result in a Senate conviction. The only result will be a social media frenzy.

Two more thoughts. We should not have two dozen candidates running for president. Three qualified, internationally recognized candidates should comprise the field, and they should agree to serve only one term to get us back on track and groom their replacement. Others who desire to be president can lend their expertise as members of the Cabinet and department heads for those four years.

And finally, I would like to see those fired or demeaned by the current administration run as congressional candidates in 2020.

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