Letter to the editor:

Longing for a moderate court

Tue, Jul 10, 2018 (2 a.m.)

I was born during the Herbert Hoover administration and have been an avid observer of governmental activities for many years. Justice Anthony Kennedy’s announced retirement has caused me to review those activities.

As is his right, the president can appoint Kennedy’s successor, with the advice and consent of the Senate. Given his former appointment, we can expect a nominee with similar leanings. In fact, those leanings can be extreme, and it would be up to the Senate to insist on a more moderate person. To do that, there must be a Democratic majority in the Senate as a way to make the president consider someone who will dispense justice for the entire country and its inhabitants.

Too bad Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito aren’t interested in retirement.

I want to live to a time under an administration that appreciates all human people and not the Citizens United kind.

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